Linseed oil, flaxseed and medical oil

Linseed is a source of medical oil used for prevention from cardiac diseases, modulation of inflammatory illnesses and hormonal disorders including impotence. Flax was first used as a fiber for weaving and it is used until present day. For centuries, it has been known for its medical qualities. Slim yearling plants grow up to one meter high and have blue flowers. Extract oil of linseed (even the linseed itself) have medical qualities and are used in medicine.
Most frequent usage of Linseed Oil
Linseed oil helps in cardiac diseases therapy, is alimental for healthy skin, nails and hair. Might be prosperous form people suffering of impotence, menstrual cramps or endometriosis. Reduces choromania symptoms, and helps to cure retention and diverticular disease.
Treatment and Effects of Linseed Oil
Linseed is a resource of essential fatty acids – fats and oil important for health – body is unable to product on its own. One essential fatty acid contained in linseed is known as omega-3 fatty acid of fish oil. Linseed contains also omeg-6 fatty acids. Furthermore, linseeds are sources of so called lignin which have beneficial effects on hormones and can fight against cancer, bacteria, virus and fungi (mildew). Linseed contains 800 times more lignin substances than other dietary supplements. Essential fatty acids are effective for the whole human body as a protection of ectoplast or external membrane that leaks into the cell all necessary nutrients and prevent them from all harmful pollutants. Linseed oil decreases cholesterol level in organism, therefore it protects from all cardiac diseases. It can also cure angina pectoris and high blood pressure. Linseed oil facilitates neuron functions, therefore is beneficial for people afflicted with limited sensitiveness or chronic diseases such as Alzheimer disease. Linseed oil softens fecal discharges, therefore is effective in retention and diverticular disease therapy. Linseed oil strengthens endometrium and therefore has influence in curing some kinds of impotence. Linseed oil might minimalize menstrual cramps and pain arising from fibrocystic breast changes thanks to its inflammatory effects. Linseed oil might help also to patients with impotence or prostatic difficulties.
Recommended dosage of Linseed Oil
The easiest way to use linseed oil is in liquid form from one tea spoon to one spoon of oil once or twice a day. If one uses capsules, he must use 14 capsules, if one contains 1000 mg of linseed oil. Linseed can be also used three times per day by melting ground seeds in cup of water. Effects can be evident after few days.
How to use Linseed Oil
Linseed oil is recommended to use during meals to increase its absorption. It can also be mixed with yoghurt, syrup, cream cheese or other food or drink.
Possible side effects of Linseed Oil
Linseed oil appears to be harmless supplement. In the beginning of dosage, flatulency can appear. However, this symptom should be eliminated soon.
New findings about Linseed oil
Linseed oil has hazel butter taste. It can be used as an ingredient in dressings or as seasoning of meals. One spoon contains a little more than 100 kcal. Add oil to meal after the meal is already cooked.
Capsules are more expensive and contain less amount of oil than the oil itself. However, it is more comfortable to take on trips. Linseed is effective for septic injuries or scalds because it heals inflammation and drains purulence.
Linseed quickly expires so be aware of the date of expiration! Do not use oil with distasteful stink.
Linseed should be kept in lightproof bottles rather than in transparent yellow phials. Do not ever use industrial kinds of linseed oil sold in grocery or hardware shop, because they contain toxic components.
Notifications before usage of Linseed Oil
Some people might be allergic to linseed oil. If breath difficulties appear after consummation of linseed oil, find medical help immediately. Ground linseed must be used with sufficiency of water. If a patient has other medical disorders, he must consult the usage of linseed oil with his doctor.
Resource: publication - Leciva moc vitamin??, bylin a mineralních latek (The salutary power of vitamins, herbs and minerals) Reader´s Digest Choice