Bee Products - propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen

Generally, there are three types of bee products – bee pollen, beebread, royal jelly and propolis. Bee pollen is gathered from different kinds of flowers, often also those which can actually cause allergic corasthma.
Most frequent usage of Bee Products
Bee products can help fight back corasthma. Propolis endorses healing of skin scratches and bruises.
Treatment and Effects of Bee Products
Bee products, especially bee pollen, are presented as true cure-all medicine. Its proponents declare, it can slow down ageing, improve physical capacity and immunity, help losing weight, have anti-bacterial effects, and modulate allergic reactions. Propolis is effective as a cream for scratches and skin wounds. This information is not yet fully declared by academic research. Bee pollen helps in prevention against sneeze, nose secretion and other symptoms of seasonal pollen allergies. Propolis can be also partially used as softener for injured skin.
Amount necessary for eliminating allergic reaction is differs according to the particular case. Usually it begins from few grams per day. Then, the dose can be increased to 1 to 3 full tea spoons per day.
How to use Bee Products
One should begin using Bee products by few dose of bee pollen before the corasthma season. If no adverse effects appear, the dosage can be increased till the symptoms are reduced. Bee products supplements should be swallowed with lots of water. Fresh pollen can be add to meal or melted in juice.
Possible side effects of Bee Products
People can be allergic to the bee pollen; therefore one should begin to use small dosage to recognize the allergic reaction. Eczema, sore throat, hoarse cough, headache or rose-rash can appear. If any of these symptoms appear, stop using bee products immediately.
Notifications before usage of Bee Products
Patients afflicted with asthma and allergies to bee sting must be very careful to bee products. They must not use beebread - royal jelly.
Resource: publication - Leciva moc vitaminu, bylin a mineralních latek (The salutary power of vitamins, herbs and minerals) Reader´s Digest Choice