Amino acids

Amino acids are proteins contained in nutrients and human organism. Dietary supplements help organism to improve physical performance. Every cell in our body needs amino acids. Proteins split out of nutrients into separate amino acids in alimentary tract. These amino acids gather again to create proteins human body needs. Two types of amino acids exist: essential and unessential. Human body is able to produce unessential amino acids, but it must gain essential out of ingested nutriment. Unessential amino acids are represented by alanine, asparagine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, taurine, and tarosine. Essential amino acids are represented by histidine, izoleucine, lysine metionine, fenylalanine, treonine, tryptophan and valine.
Most frequent utilization of amino acids
Amino acids help to heal cardiac diseases, modulates blood pressure, strengthen immunity system, and coordinate nerve failures.
Amino acids - treatment and effects
Amino acids are necessary substances for maintaining and repairing of hair, nails, skin, muscles, ligament and glands. They help to produce hormones (insulin), neurotransmitters, other body fluids and enzymes which help to conduct body functions. Some amino acids and their side products are highly effective in therapy of cardiac diseases. Carnitine concentrated in heart muscle cells is similar to amino acid produce in body out of lysine. It helps to strengthen cardiac functions, helps during heart attack, and might reduce the risk of heart failures. Carnitine participates in fat metabolism and might lower high level of triglycerins (blood fats similar to cholesterol). Unessential amino acid – arginine – lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke by diffusion of blood-vessels, and by modulating blood pressure. It also reduces pain in angina pectoris. Taurine heals cardiac failures, reduces high blood pressure by regulating the rate of kalium and sodium in blood and excess activity of central nerve system. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is ulterior product of cysteine amino acid which is absorbed better than cysteine, promotes production of antioxidants in organism and has antioxidant effects itself. It also promotes healing of cell lesions and strengthens immunity system. NAC dilutes phlegm effectively in chronic bronchitis and is used to protect livers from overdosing by paracetamol. It supposed to have prosperous effect in disseminated sclerosis. Glutamine concentrated in cells of alimentary tract might help to cure ulcerous illnesses and kill symptoms of diverticulitis. Taurine might help epileptics to increase production of certain substances in brain. Taurine is also a fundamental component of choler. Thus might prevent from cholelithiasis. It facilitates absorption of insulin; therefore it is effective for diabetics. Carnitine nourishes muscles because it enables burning fats into energy. Lysine presents one of the most effective medicaments to heal eczemas, herpes zoster and aphthous buccal mucosa irritation. In contradiction, arginine might cause lip and genital eczemas.
Recommended dosage of amino acids
Recommended dosage of amino acids is specific for every disease. If you use any of amino acid longer than one month, it should be contained in dietary supplements with complex mixture of amino acids.
How to use amino acids
Amino acid in dietary supplements is most effective if it is not absorbed together with amino acids contained in nutriments with high amount of proteins. Therefore, they should be used hour and a half before or after meal.
Possible contraindications of amino acids
Dietary supplements containing amino acids should not be used longer than three mounts in case they are not prescribed by physician. Dietary supplements containing amino acids supposed to be used before meal. If amino acids are used in recommended dosage, they do not have any side effects. They are toxic only in case of overdosing, and may cause sickness and diarrhea.
New findings about amino acids
Arginine might reduce gathering of platelets and their cohesion to blood-vessel walls, and thus it is preventive from cardiac disorders and strokes. Arginine helps patients suffering from high level of cholesterol in blood.
Warnings about amino acids
Pregnant and nursing women, diabetics, patients with liver diseases or suffering from high blood pressure should be especially careful with usage of amino acids.
Additional information about amino acids
Physicians use injections with alfa-lipoid acid to save people’s life in case of consuming toxic toadstool.
Resource: publication - Leciva moc vitaminu, bylin a mineralnich latek (The salutary power of vitamins, herbs and minerals) Reader´s Digest Choice