Fish oil and Omega-3

Doctors have founded out that Eskimos have low probability of having a heart attack, even though they eat lots of fatty fish prolific on omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). Later studies have declared that fish oil has an enormously positive effect on heart and other beneficial effects.
Fish Oil contains a group of unsaturated fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acid. Fish do not create this oil. They obtain this oil from plankton (krill) in their feed. The more the water is cold, the more oil there is in the krill. These fish oil fatty acids differ from unsaturated fatty acids contained in plant oils and they are called omega-6. They also affect human body differently. Two most effective kinds of omega-3 unsaturated acids are eikosapenteanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are situated in plenty in cold water fish, for example in salmon, trout, tuna fish or mackerel. The resource of the third kind of unsaturated fatty acids (alfa-lipoic acid, ALA) is certain types of plant oils, for example flaxseed or green-stuff. Unfortunately, such acids are not usually as effective as EPA and DHA.
Most frequent application of Fish Oil
Fish Oil prevents from cardiovascular diseases, and is effective for other circulatory failures including reduction of triglyceride level (blood fat). It stops inflammatory reactions in body connected to all sorts of diseases. Fish Oil might also modulate blood pressure.
Treatment and Effects of Fish Oil
Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil play a key role in many of human body life processes from blood pressure regulation and blood condensability to strengthening body immunity. Fish Oil might also prevent from many diseases, for example cardiac diseases because omega-3 fatty acid reduce the ability of blood platelets to create blood clots that cause heart attack. Furthermore, omega-3 acids limit the number of triglycerides (blood fat attached to cholesterol) and lower blood pressure. According to latest research, omega-3 acids strengthen cardiac conducive system; therefore protects from heart beat failures. Omega-3 acids kill inflammatory processes in arterial walls. Medical dosage of fish oil is one of few successful ways how to prevent from new artery plugging that is presumptive after angioplasty. It is a medical help when a small balloon is put inside of the artery and is inflated to press down blood dregs. After that, blood-vessel is enlarged and the flow of blood is improved. Continuously, fish oil is helpful for patients sacrificing of Raynaud’s disease. Other positive effects of fish oil: Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil have anti-inflammatory substances curing arthral failures, lupus and psoriasis. The research has shown that people afflicted with rheumatic arthritis have fewer edemas and less stiffed joints with using fish oil. Above all, patients can reduce the number of anti-inflammatory medicine while using fish oil. A research examining the Crohn’s disease (painful inflammatory bowels disease) had proved that 69 patients who were using fish oil as meal supplements instant in bowels did not have any symptoms of the disease. Only 28 of all patients who were using only placebo in controlling test had no symptoms. Fish oil may also help to kill menstrual pain. Furthermore, EPA and DHA are positive for maintenance of physical health. Explorative research expects, omega-3 fatty acids might minimalize severity of schizophrenia in 25 cases, and help to cure kid’s dyslexia.
Recommended dosage of Fish Oil
Patients with heart disease, Raynaud’s disease, lupus or psoriasis should take 3000 mg of fish oil per day. Patients suffering of rheumatic arthritis should take 6000 mg per day. And the dosage of 5000 mg per day helps to cure inflammatory bowel diseases.
How to use Fish Oil
If one eats at least twice a week fatty fish from cold waters, no fish oil supplements are necessary to use for prevention of heart diseases. Fish oil as a nutritive supplement is recommended to patients suffering of rheumatic arthritis and other inflammatory reactions. Capsules are to be used during meal. Fish oil is easier to endure by taking it in small doses, for example 1000 mg three times a day instead of taking the whole dose at once. One needs to be sure to have enough antioxidants in organism before using fish oil, and must eat lots of fruit and vegetables, or use vitamin E.
Possible side effects of Fish Oil
Using fish oil in capsule form might cause flatulency, belching, sickness or diarrhea. However overdosing might cause internal bleeding, it was not the case concerning people with cardiac problems who were using 8000 mg of fish oil together with aspirin. According to other studies, patients with sugar beet had increased level of blood sugar after using fish oil. This symptom was not declared on healthy people. For certainty, people having sugar beet should not overdose 2000 mg per day. Patients with high level of triglycerides must be careful, if they have high level of harmful cholesterol in blood at the same time because fish oil might even increase this level. In the sickness of rheumatic arthritis or other inflammatory diseases, consuming fish is not enough. It is recommended to eat supplements of fish oil.
New findings about Fish Oil
One preliminary research at the University of California had found that omega-3 fatty acids must be effective against breast cancer and maintaining breast tissues healthy. Tests on animals had shown that tumors appear less, if there is fish oil included in meals.
Fish oil might be effective in prevention against large intestine cancer. Carcinogenesis appears less when patients use 4400 mg of fish oil per day as the latest study has shown.
Notifications before usage of Fish Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids fight back blood clotting; therefore patients suffering from blood clotting failure or use medicine against clotting should consult usage of fish oil with their doctor. Fish oil should not be used two days before surgery or two days after it. Diabetics must consult usage of fish oil with their doctor because dosage of fish oil might increase the level of sugar in blood.
Additional information about Fish Oil
Fish oil might be effective in large intestine cancer therapy.
Resource: publication - Leciva moc vitamin??, bylin a mineralních latek (The salutary power of vitamins, herbs and minerals) Reader´s Digest Choice