Green Tea - Health benefits, dosage, traetment and side effects

A Chinese emperor was the first one who drank green tea around the year 2700 B.C. According to the legend, he sat under the tea tree and few leaves dropped into his cup of hot water.
The traditional process of making a green tea is simple. Green tea leaves are steamed first, then rolled up and dried. The steam inactivates enzymes which would otherwise ferment. Other kinds of tea trees have already fermented leaves either partially (tea ulong) or entirely (black tea). Not fermented leaves make green tea very special and tasteful. But mainly, green tea is rich in all necessary natural polyphenols – strong antioxidants protecting cells from damaging. Other prosperous substances also contained in green tea are, for example, fluorides, catechins and tannins.
Most common utilization of green tea
Green tea might help in prevention from cancer, protects from heart diseases, and decreases teeth curiosity. Green tea also conduces to longevity.
Green tea – treatment and effects
Green tea contains substances protecting from some kinds of cancer and heart diseases. Latest studies declare, green tea is effective in treatment of infections and conduces longevity.
Green tea and prevention: People who drink green tea incline less to some types of cancer. According to one Chinese research, women and men who drank green tea at least once per week for six months were less inclinable to cervical, mucosa, large intestine and rectum cancer. Women had the risk of cervical and mucosa cancer reduced by 50 percent. An explorative research evidences, green tea might be effective in prevention from breast, stomach and skin cancer. Scientists are developing a theory about processes the green tea protects from cancer. They emphasize the effectiveness of the main green tea antioxidant – polyphenol EGCG (epigallocatechin). According to some scientists, EGCG is one of the most effective anti-cancerous substances protecting cells from damage and increasing the production of antioxidant enzymes in organism. An American study demonstrated, EGCG intercepts procreation of cancerous cells immediately by stimulating natural process of cell atrophy. EGCG never invade healthy cells.
Green tea and other qualities: Antioxidant effect of green tea polyphenols might also help to protect from heart diseases. According to in vitro studies, these substances lower the risk of damaging LDL by cholesterol. Green tea also contains fluoride which has general anti-bacterial qualities and protects from dental decay.
How to use the Green tea and Dosage
Green tea and its dosage: Using capsules or tablets with green tea extract, or drinking green tea every day have beneficial effect on human organism. Daily dose should contain 240 to 360 mg of polyphenols.
It is recommended to buy only those dietary supplements that are standardized to at least 50 percent of polyphenols. In such concentration, two 250 mg tablets or capsules provide necessary amount of 250 mg polyphenols. Also, four cups of green tea provides as well the recommended quantity of polyphenols. Dietary supplements should be used during meal with full glass of water. Hot green tea can be drank during meal or by itself. To prepare the green tea, infuse one tea spoon of crushed green tea leaves in 225 ml of hot water for at least 30 minutes. Then decant the tea and drink.
Green tea – facts and instructions
However green tea leaves contained great amount of vitamin K, the actual cup of tea or dietary supplements do not contain any. People using medicaments to treat coagulation of blood caused by heart diseases should avoid nutrients containing vitamin K while it effects the blood coagulation. These people can use green tea without any worries. Drinking hot green tea too often might cause a damage of cervical membrane and esophagus, and increase the risk of cancer. To prepare green tea properly, let boiling water stand for few moments and then poor the water over the tea. This method also emphasizes the taste of then tea.
Gunpowder (powder tea), imported from China, is a green tea pressed into small beads reminiscent of gun bullets. These bullets slowly unwrap in hot water.
Green tea – contraindications
Green tea represents a very safe dietary supplement as well as a drink. People sensitive to caffeine should avoid drinking a green tea while each cup contains 40 mg of caffeine. Dietary supplements contain caffeine only in a small amount. The recommended dose contains the same quantity of polyphenols as four cups of a green tea, but only five to six mg of caffeine.
Notifications about the green tea
Women should limit drinking green tea during pregnancy and nursing down to two cups per day. People experiencing any health difficulties should consult the usage of green tea with their physician.
Green tea – additional information
Green tea is available in the form of dietary supplements or as tasteful drink.