Angelica sinensis benefits and side effects

Angelica sinensis is commonly added to many female dietary supplements. This herb is a traditional tonic used in Asia to strengthen female reproductive system. Angelica sinensis is only a little bit less popular than ginseng, especially in China or Japan. West countries are not confident about effectiveness of this plant. Even though, Chinese Dong Quai is a wildflower, it is commonly grown as remedial herb all over the China. In Japan, similar plant called Angelica acutiloba is grown. Many women use Angelica daily to maintain good health condition. The most widespread medicine is the product of Angelica sinensis root, a plant with hollow stem and white inflorescence, usually growing up to 2,5 meters high. Its flowers resemble to carrot.
Utilization of Angelica sinensis
Angelica relieves from menstrual cramps and modulates hot flashes during menopause.
Angelica sinensis – qualities and effects
Angelica sinensis maintains good condition of female uterus and regulates menstrual period. Supposedly, this herb widens the blood-vessels and increases the blood flow into several organs. Physicians do not agree with each other opinion about the true beneficial effects of Angelica sinensis and its causation. The reason why is, this plant is mostly combined with other remedial herbs.
Angelica sinensis and its beneficial effects: Chinese Angelica is commonly used as treatment of menstrual and climacteric difficulties. It supposed to modulate spastic and unsteady menstrual cycle, reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), calms menstrual cramps and reduces the hot flashes during menopause. It might also prevent from dryness of vaginal mucosa during menopause.
There are two theories about the resources of Angelica’s effectiveness. According to some phytotherapists, it contains natural estrogens (phytoestrogens) which are may be weaker than estrogens produced in human organism but create chemic combinations with estrogens receptors in human cells. Phytoestrogens are able to regenerate hormonal balance, for example they suppress hot flashes by lowering the level of estrogens during menopause.
Other beneficial effects of Angelica sinensis: Even though, Chinese Angelica is not purposely used as remedy decreasing blood pressure, it has this effect while widening blood-vessels simplifies heart functions and improves circumferential blood circulation.
How to dose Angelica sinensis
The dosage Angelica sinensis: In therapy of premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, instable period, or hot flashes, use 600 mg of Angelica’s extract daily or 30 drops of tincture three times per day. The extract should be standardized to contain the amount of 0,8 to 1,1 % of ligusticum. Otherwise, the supplement could be produced as combination of other similar herbs such as licorice or ginseng.
Usage instruction: To protect from premenstrual syndrome symptoms, it is recommended to use Angelica sinensis daily except the days of period. To calm menstrual cramps, continue consuming this remedy until the end of period. To prevent from hot flashes, use Angelica every day. After two months therapy is possible to experience any results.
Angelica sinensis – facts
According to latest study, Chinese Dong quai has the same effect in therapy of menopause as placebo. Remedial herb as well as placebo had reduced the frequency of hot flashes by 25 to 30 %. In this study, the plant was used without any combination with other herbs.
To prevent from premenstrual syndrome or menstrual cramps, use Chinese Angelica (sinensis) or Japanese Angelica (acutiloba). American and European products are more suitable for stomach or breathing difficulties. They have no effects on gynecological difficulties.
Angelica sinensis and side effects
Chinese Angelica might cause laxative effect and might also evoke strong menstrual bleeding. This plant’s root contains substances called psoralens which may cause hypersensitiveness to sun.
Notifications about Angelica sinensis
It is advised not to use this herb during pregnancy or nursing. During anti-coagulative therapy is necessary to consult using Angelica with the physician. Angelica may evoke menstrual bleeding or sensitiveness to sunshine. If you have any health difficulties, consult usage of Angelica with your physician first.