Echinacea (Coneflower)

Echinacea (Coneflower) originates from North America. Echinacea was used by many physicians and curers before antibiotics were found. Today, it begins to be popular remedy again because it strengthens immunity system during coldness and other infections.
Echinacea – Coneflower is widely vegetating plant with purple flowers similar to daisies. In Central America, its planting was widely expanded along grass plains where old Indians have been using it to heal lesions or snake bite for centuries. Echinacea became very popular remedy among European pioneers during colonizing America. It was considered as universal product to cure infection diseases. In England, Coneflower represents fancied garden flower.
There are nine types of Echinacea, but only three of them are used as remedy; Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallia and Echinacea purpurea. All parts of these three plants – flowers, root, leaves and stem could be found in hundreds of commercial products. As a dietary supplement, it is produced in variety of forms. Echinacea contains plenty of effective substances strengthening immunity system of human body. This plant has become one of the most favorite remedies all over the world in the past few years.
Most frequent utilization of Echinacea
Echinacea decreases liability to coldness and has a beneficial effect on infection diseases. It also helps to cure aphthae, recreation of expiratory and urinary system infections. Echinacea also prevent from middle ear inflammation, fasten healing of flesh wounds and skin inflammation.
Echinacea – treatment and effects
Echinacea is natural antibiotics and application for infection, helps to destroy bacteria and viruses in organism. Echinacea stimulates cells of immunity system which play key roles in prevention from infections. Echinacea also support the creation of natural anti-virus substances called interferons. Their effectiveness is relatively short lasting. Therefore, it is recommended to use Echinacea during acute infection in short intervals – after few hours. Echinacea stabilizes immunity during eczema.
Echinacea and prevention: Echinacea might help in prevention from the two most frequent virus diseases respiratory system inflammation, influenza or coldness. Echinacea is most effective in the first stadium of disease.
According to one study, patients using Echinacea for 8 weeks were less inclinable to coldness than patients using placebo. Some studies also declare, Echinacea is helpful in therapy of mucosal tumour, fever, or headache caused by coldness. Such symptoms are less heavy and disappear sooner.
Echinacea and other beneficial effects: Echinacea might be effective in therapy of some recidivous diseases such as gingivitis, uretritida or middle ear inflammation. Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, herpetic infections, such as herpes zoster or herpes simplex, bronchitis, and ulterior nasal cavities inflammation might be treated by Echinacea. Echinacea might be also used as remedy for autonomic diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS. Coneflower is a prosperous dietary supplement for patients after chemotherapy or irradiation. Echinacea is suitable for local usage on skin. Its juice helps to cure healing of lesions, eczema, or burns. The tincture could be dilute with water and used as gargling to cure sore throat.
How to use Echinacea (Coneflower)
Echinacea and its dosage: Echinacea is available in all sorts of forms, therefore it is recommended to read precisely the sticker. Most of the medicaments are composed of the Echinacea root powder, not the extract of the plant. To cure coldness or influenza, high dosage is necessary – 200 mg five times per day. According to one study, patients using 900 mg per day became healthy faster than those using only 450 mg of Echinacea or placebo. To treat other infections, the recommended dosage is 200 mg three or four times per day. In long term therapy, switch Echinacea every three weeks with other herb strengthening immunity system such as goldenseal or valerian. Echinacea serves also for tea mixed with other herbs.
Echinacea – instructions for application
It is recommended to use Echinacea no more than eight weeks and continue with treatment after eight days break. Physicians and curers practicing phytotherapy use Echinacea in long term to cure autoimmune diseases, especially eczemas. This plant might be used during meal as well as on empty stomach.
Echinacea - facts and recommendations
In Germany, Echinacea dosed to a small group of patients suffering from advanced stadium of large intestine cancer together with chemotherapy. It seemed, the plant can prolong life of patients thanks to strengthening immunity system to be able to fight baleful spores. However, more research is necessary to be able to specify the exact effectiveness of Echinacea during cancerous proliferation.
Adverse effects of Echinacea
Echinacea has no contraindications if it is dosed in recommended dosage, not even during pregnancy or nursing. If any breathing difficulties or eczema appears, find medical help immediately.
Notifications about application Echinacea
If one has prescribed antibiotics, he can also add Echinacea to the therapy, but do not compensate with it prescribed medicaments. Serious infections, for example tuberculosis are not treatable with Echinacea. If one suffers from any health difficulties, he should consult the usage of Echinacea with his physician.
Echinacea (Coneflower) – additional information
Echinacea contains substances tasting bitter and hot in mouth and on lips if used in liquid form. Exactly the hotness is the sign of products good quality.