Blister - what is and treatment

Blister is a fluid-filled pocket that develops between the layers of SKIN in response to friction or pressure. Blisters are most common on the feet and hands though can develop nearly anywhere on the body. Blisters often hurt. Their outer layer of skin is vulnerable to tearing, which allows the fluid to leak out. Though the blister may then feel better because there is less pressure, the break in the skin’s surface gives BACTERIA access to the inner layers of tissue and establishes a risk of INFECTION.
Blister Treatment
An intact blister usually will heal within three to five days as the body reabsorbs the fluid and repairs the damaged skin. A ruptured blister is an open wound that requires appropriate WOUND CARE, such as cleansing with mild soap and water and possibly antibiotic ointment and a bandage. The most effective treatment for blisters is prevention such as wearing gloves or thick socks and properly fitting shoes or boots. An area of the skin that repeatedly forms a blister often develops a CALLUS, an accumulations of keratocytes, which increases the skin’s thickness and improves its ability to withstand friction or pressure.