Vitamin K supplement - rich foods - sources, deficiency, benefits and warnings

What is Vitamin K
In 1930, Danish scientists examining chickens fed with no fat feed found intestine bleedings. The problem was solved with a remedial herb called snail clover containing vitamin with beneficial coagulation effects, therefore vitamin K. The scientists know today, the organism gains the majority of necessary amount of the vitamin K from bacteria activity in the intestines. Only 20 % of the amount is absorbed from food. Healthy people have low values of the vitamin K rarely. The vitamin K dietary supplements are available only with doctor’s prescription.
Vitamin K – utilization
Vitamin K lowers the risk of internal bleeding and protects from an excessive bleeding during a surgery. It strengthens bones and suppresses osteoporosis progress.
Vitamin K - benefits and effectiveness
Vitamin K is the only substance initiating the process of blood coagulation in case of an injury. Otherwise, there would be a threat of bleeding to death. Physicians prescribe this vitamin, if they suspect possible bleeding. Even if a patient has sufficient levels of the vitamin K, it is prescribed before every surgery. It is also possible to use vitamin K during a menstrual cycle to reduce the intensity of bleeding. It is an effective remedy in therapy of the osteoporosis, because it helps the organism to absorb calcium and thus, reduces to risk of fractures. Vitamin K might be helpful in prevention from cancer and useful for patients after the radiotherapy. Overdosing is not toxic except for patients who use anticoagulants.
Vitamin K - recommended dosage
Even though the daily dosage of vitamin K is not specified, it is recommended to use 1 mcg / 1 kg of total weight for adults. The vitamin K deficiency is rare for adults, because the organism is able to produce the necessary amount of this vitamin. The vitamin K insufficiency occurs to patients suffering from liver or intestinal illnesses which might cause fats absorption failure. Also the antibiotics might lower the level of vitamin K in the organism. The first sign of the insufficiency is to be inclinable to bruises. This problem necessitates proper medical supervision. Serious cases might end up with bleeding out to death.
Vitamin K - usage suggestions
Multivitamin dietary supplements usually contain 25 to 60 mcg of the vitamin K. Supplements used in order to strengthen bones should provide the organism with 300 mcg per day. Higher doses, for example in prenatal multivitamins, must prescribe only the physician. Use the vitamin with a meal to fasten its absorption.
Vitamin K rich foods - sources
Leaf vegetables such as cabbage or savoy contain 300 to 500 mcg of the vitamin K per portion. Other sources of this vitamin are broccoli and sprouts. Vitamin K is contained in vegetable oils, meat, milk products and pistachio.
Vitamin K - facts and recommendations
If one has problems with blood coagulation and eats lots of leaf vegetables rich in vitamin K, should consult its usage with his physician proper dosage. Vitamin E helps the organism to utilize vitamin K. However, high doses of then vitamin E might suppress the vitamin K effectiveness and increase the intensity of bleeding.
Green tea is often recommended as a perfect resource of the vitamin K because only 225 g of the tea contains 1700 mcg of the vitamin. However, this amount is contained in 225 g of the tea leafs. It is possible to prepare about 100 cups of the out of 225 g of the green tea leafs. In fact, one cup of the green tea does not contain almost any vitamin K.
Vitamin K - warnings
Vitamin K should be used only with a doctor’s supervision. High doses might evoke abnormal perspiration or hot flashes. . If one experiences any health difficulties, he should consult using dietary supplements with his physician.
Vitamin K – additional information
One portion of cabbage contains larger amount of the vitamin K than 5 tablets 100 mcg each.