Varicose Veins - causes, symptoms and treatment with supplements and vitamins

Bulged and wounded blue varicose veins – usually inherited – are painful and unsightly looking. Surgery intervention is not needed, if one eats healthy and proper food, especially dietary fiber and herbs that strengthen the blood-vessels and protects from edemas. Healthy cells are powered with lapels facilitating the blood flow in one direction and inhibiting blood to flow back. When these lapels are weakened and do not close entirely, the blood circulates in both directions, cumulates and creates torous, bulged veins called varixy. Varicose veins in the rectum are called piles.
Varicose veins – Symptoms and Signs
Varicose veins are characterized by bulged blue veins in the area of knee bend, calf and on the inside of thighs. Calves are usually painful and sensitive after a long standing. In the major cases, swallow ankles might occur.
The Causes of Varicose Veins
Genetic and hormonal factors play the main role in the initiation of the varicose veins illness. This illness is usually generic and afflicts women more than men. Obesity, pregnancy or rising up heavy objects might be another cause excessive pressure on veins. Pregnancy also evokes hormonal changes weakening veins the lower part of human body. Varicose veins disorder mainly afflicts people who do not exercise or stand at work during the whole day. The risk of varicose veins even increases when a patient suffers from liver diseases or blood circulation failures.
Possible therapy with dietary supplements
If one suffers from varicose veins, using vitamin C, E and flavoids might improve the blood circulation and strengthen vein membranes. Gotu cola has also beneficial in the therapy because it increases the tonus of tissues surrounding veins, and maintain vein elastic. Gotu cola is usually mixed with cranberries in various dietary supplements. Horse chestnut can be used instead of gotu cola and cranberries because it is able to cure edemas and inflammation, and inhibits from liquids cumulating. Even permanent usage of the most effective herbs is safe and causes no adverse effects.
Prosperous dietary supplements in treatment of the varicose veins
- Vitamin C and flavoids: 500mg and 250 mg twice per day (if a diarrhea occurs, lower the doses)
- Vitamin E: 400 mg per day
- Gotu cola: 200 mg of the extract or 400 to 500 mg of fresh herb three times per day (do not use during pregnancy)
- Cranberry: 80 mg of the extract three times per day (the extract must be standardized to 25% of antokyanosids)
- Horse chestnut (Conker tree): 500 mg every morning (standardized extract containing 16 to 21 % of escin)
- Ruscus: 150 mg of the extract three times per day (standardized extract containing 9 to 11% of ruscogenin)
When to consult problems with a physician
If suspicious redness around the varicose veins occurs, it might be a sign of dangerous phlebitis impeding walking. If a small opened pustule occurs near to the varicose veins, one should consult the acute problem with his physician. If one experiences a swollen ankle, it might signify a liquid retention. If one experiences any other health difficulties, he should discuss using dietary supplements with his physician.
Varicose veins – facts
According to the latest Italian research, 87 patients who used at least two months gotu cola had improved vein functions more than people using only placebo. No adverse effects were noticed. Patients suffering from varicose veins recommend elastic tights. These tights are may be helpful but also expensive and uncomfortable.
Varicose veins – suggestions
- Exercise and sport such as cycling or swimming is helpful.
- Exercise only with light dumbbells.
- Do not wear tidy clothes and shoes because it might inhibits proper blood circulation.
Varicose veins – additional information
Gotu cola plant strengthens cells of the blood-vessels membrane.